We believe that health and wellness are more than just going to the gym day in and day out. It’s about a lifestyle that is surrounded by joy and happiness, it’s a mindset that is built from bettering yourself from knowing your purpose.
We believe that with our guidance and programming, you will build the self confidence and empowerment inside and outside the gym. We want to help you achieve more than just numbers, we want you to experience life in the best way and mindset possible!
Mindset, confidence, mental toughness is what we strive to do, brick by brick we build!
"Fall in love with fitness, fall in love with the process"
Dom believes everyone is unique and should be approached that way “ we all have things that are different about us and make us who we are, so why not embrace that and become the best version of ourselves”
He is no stranger to fitness and health to say the least. After years of playing competitive sports at a high level, he molded his very passion of playing into the world of fitness back in 2014. With that being said, Dom played collegiate football for the University of Shepherd where he and his team were extremely successful, receiving several national honors and #1 rankings over the course of his career.
One of the many motivations Dom has found in his career is his drive and love for his family, specifically his mother Renee, Father Robert, sister Tarenna, brothers Demetrius/ Scott and Aunt Brenda. “ My family is everything I am, they are the root of my happiness and what I put my heart into, without them I wouldn't be the man I am today!” In his free time Dom also enjoys spending time with his close friends and listening to music. He considers himself a “ phenomenal dancer.” So in short, he appreciates any sport, art and entertainment he can enjoy!
How was BrickBuilt started?
Brick Built started as just a fun way to train myself and my closest friends. The principles and ideologies I developed for the BrickBuilt method were much like the ones I utilized during previous clientele training. BrickBuilt wasn't something I saw growing and becoming the company that is today. It slowly started to take shape and many people were drawn to the style and unique outline. So, I created a name and began virtually training people. This brand is more than just me and my beliefs.It is a lifestyle and mindset that carries over to everything you do. I believe the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. We at BrickBuilt build upon our foundation brick by brick, day by day. We strive to help people fall in love with their fitness, fall in love with the process. Join our team today!

Core movements
Core movements

MED ball Russian twist

Plate toe touches

Plank marching